HOT 18 is coming! Am Samstag den 26. August veranstalten wir unser achtzehntes Turnier.Gespielt wird in den Räumen der Harburger Magicbuden.Dieses mal ist das Format ATLANTIC. jemand eine Karte ausprobieren… Continue reading Hanseatic Oldschool Tournament 18
Tag: Hanseatic
Hanseatic Oldschool Tournament 17
HOT 17. Am Samstag den 29. April veranstalten wir unser siebzehntes Turnier.Gespielt wird in den Räumen der Harburger Magicbuden.Dieses mal ist das Format ATLANTIC. jemand eine Karte ausprobieren möchte, sind… Continue reading Hanseatic Oldschool Tournament 17
Hanseatic OS Tournament 16 Report
The Hanseatic Oldschool community invited for tournament 16 (HOT 16), requesting players to bring their Swedish decks for 5 rounds of fun. This is my regional playgroup so I was… Continue reading Hanseatic OS Tournament 16 Report
Hanseatic OS Tournament 15 Report
The Hanseatic Oldschool community invited for the fifteenth local tournament, calling players to bring their Atlantic decks including max. 3 proxies. The proxy reduction from 9 to 3 was discussed… Continue reading Hanseatic OS Tournament 15 Report
Merchant Ship Cup 2022 report
As the new Cup for this year was announced, I realized I never published the report for the first cup. So here it is – written in June 2022! My… Continue reading Merchant Ship Cup 2022 report
Hanseatic Oldschool Tournament 16
Format Swedish with reprints, details tbc Please register by sending a message to Albert or via the Facebook site
Hanseatic Merchant Ship Cup 2 – side event
The hanseatic oldschool community invites you to join us in the beautiful city of Hamburg for the second time. Side event – format tbc on Friday eveningLocation: Bier- und Wein-… Continue reading Hanseatic Merchant Ship Cup 2 – side event
Hanseatic Merchant Ship Cup 2
The hanseatic oldschool community invites you to join us in the beautiful city of Hamburg for the second time. Side event – format tbc on Friday evening – see separate… Continue reading Hanseatic Merchant Ship Cup 2
Hanseatic Oldschool Tournament 15
Tournament 15 organized by the Hanseatic Oldschool community. Description in German: Am Samstag den 03. Dezember veranstalten wir unser fünfzehntes Turnier.Gespielt wird in den Räumen der Harburger Magicbuden.Dieses mal ist… Continue reading Hanseatic Oldschool Tournament 15
Hanseatic Oldschool Tournament XIV
Hanseatic Cup 14 – format X-Point – details on Facebook in German: Unglaublich aber wahr:Am Samstag den 01. Oktober veranstaltet Hanseatic Oldschool das sage und schreibe vierzehnte Turnier.Gespielt wird in… Continue reading Hanseatic Oldschool Tournament XIV