OS DACH League August

Old School MtG 93/94 - D A CH Juzam Djinn

*** Für alle deutschsprachigen! ***German speaking old school league in August. This month the format will be chosen by participants upon registration – Atlantic is currently highest in the votes.… Continue reading OS DACH League August

Summer Derby 2021

The next Derby is announced! Update to add links tostructure and ruleshttps://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1SqHg3RaorQgCDaGbOKfadW8ndr4maOwnQbXd-Jrt28k/mobilepresent?slide=id.g487028f067_0_0registration formhttps://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdWlIdBmdqBLpSsFemlgHlxYgZ4rE7Wnl–DtNbtX_1tk9acg/viewform From the Facebook OLD SCHOOL 93-94 MTG Webcam Player Community post by Dave Firth Bard: The 2021… Continue reading Summer Derby 2021

Ivory Cup VI

Ivory Cup 6

Another traditional old school tournament will be held by webcam this year, the Ivory Cup 6. Rules are full Swedish, so no reprints or proxies!See the quote from Wak-Wak, the… Continue reading Ivory Cup VI