The Rissen Invitational was played in a private location and organized by a member of the Hanseatic Old School group. With a strong focus on coming together after a very long lock down period in Germany and enjoying some rounds of real life Magic, we had a lot of fun, chats and beer on a wonderful sunny day.
Though the video is focusing on simple play, the photos will tell you more about the event that includes a surprisingly difficult session of oversized [scrylink]chaos-orb:leb[/scrylink] flipping with a oversized [scrylink]shivan dragon:2ed[/scrylink] as target.
After more than ten month eight people of our crew had our first real live tournament in 2021.
Playing online is nice but it is not the same as sitting together, drinking an having fun.
Our regular location is still closed to big group events. This chance was used by Erik to show his hospitality and quality as a host. Thank you for opening your home for us!
On a beautiful Saturday we gathered at his location with the plan to turn the cards again and have some fun.
The Ruleset was Atlantic, but some of us like to set the bar a bit higher restricting ourselves to only Swedish legal reprints and or banned and restrictions.
Vincent set out to test his latest acquisition a Workshop in a Swedish legal Robots deck (the one ugly White bordered Tetravus switched places with his Antiquities brother).
In the first round he faced Chris but his Zombies were no match for the brutal power of the robots. In the second round Erik managed to draw the right answers and won the match. In the third round Vincent defeated Jan who was on an extremely spicy Karma Tomb deck. In the forth round he managed to win against Sandrillo on Counterburn. From the three players who managed to finish 3-1, Sandrillo had the best tie-braker and won a beautiful sheet signed by all participants.
Hopefully we can all meet each other soon and play again.
Short report posted on the groups FB page
Impressions from our gathering:
All 8 deck photos in order of final standing:

A link to our Hanseatic Old School group is also available on the Community page. We hope to see you on our next open tournament!