DACH League May’22 Report

After a less successful April I decided to adapt my 5 color LionBurn deck to the DACH meta. There have been always [scrylink]blood-moon:drk[/scrylink] and a lot of Disco Troll. So I added two burn spells. I also didn’t like the [scrylink]lions:leb[/scrylink] in several matchups, still a white cheap damage dealer was good. I replaced the [scrylink]atog:atq[/scrylink] and a [scrylink]lions:leb[/scrylink] with two [scrylink]serendib-efreet:arn[/scrylink] to have another non-red and bolt-proof flyer.

The Swiss round went really good, only loosing to Seppi playing robots and him having great draws. In fact I drew not too bad against Seppi but in the end couldn’t stabilize quick enough. The match ended 1:2 for Seppi, thanks to the direct damage of [scrylink]triskelion:atq[/scrylink]. Two other matches ended 2:0 and the last one, battling for the first place in the group, was won with 2:1 against Andreas.

My Deck:

Eriks 5c LionBurn May version

You might notice that I changed the Mox proxies for real cards for the finals. ๐Ÿ™‚

Enjoy the videos of the playoffs and the final video!

Quarter final video Andreas (Troll Disco) vs Andi (Mono Green)

Semi final video Erik (LionDibBurn) vs. Marc on (UR Counterburn)

Semi final video Albert (Guardian Orb) vs. Andi (Mono Green)

Erik on (LionDibBurn) vs. Albert (Guardian Orb)

After playing the same deck during the Merchant Ship Cup (report to come), I think I still improve every time. Only the sideboarding is still difficult. My deck likes to burn to the face, but sometimes I choose the control role and often it was not the best choice… well this month it went great!

Albert’s deck focusing on [scrylink]guardian-beast:arn[/scrylink] and artifacts, with the ultimate goal to flip the [scrylink]chaos-orb:leb[/scrylink] every turn over and over. I didn’t have the pic before our match so I was worrying about counterspells all the time. :d

Deck Albert

Hope to see you in our Oldschool D A CH League or chatting on twitch.tv/nahti1 .

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