The hanseatic oldschool community invites you to join us in the beautiful city of Hamburg for the second time. Side event – format tbc on Friday evening – see separate… Continue reading Hanseatic Merchant Ship Cup 2
Tag: German
OS DACH League April ’23
*** Für alle deutschsprachigen! ***German speaking old school league. The format will be chosen by participants upon registration – details will be available soon. Swedish is usually the preferred format… Continue reading OS DACH League April ’23
OS DACH League March ’23
*** Für alle deutschsprachigen! ***German speaking old school league. The format will be chosen by participants upon registration – details will be available soon. Swedish is usually the preferred format… Continue reading OS DACH League March ’23
OS DACH League February ’23
*** Für alle deutschsprachigen! ***German speaking old school league. The format will be chosen by participants upon registration – details will be available soon. Swedish is usually the preferred format… Continue reading OS DACH League February ’23
OS DACH League January ’23
*** Für alle deutschsprachigen! ***German speaking old school league. The format will be chosen by participants upon registration – details will be available soon. Swedish is usually the preferred format… Continue reading OS DACH League January ’23
Hanseatic Oldschool Tournament 15
Tournament 15 organized by the Hanseatic Oldschool community. Description in German: Am Samstag den 03. Dezember veranstalten wir unser fünfzehntes Turnier.Gespielt wird in den Räumen der Harburger Magicbuden.Dieses mal ist… Continue reading Hanseatic Oldschool Tournament 15
Hanseatic Oldschool Tournament XIV
Hanseatic Cup 14 – format X-Point – details on Facebook in German: Unglaublich aber wahr:Am Samstag den 01. Oktober veranstaltet Hanseatic Oldschool das sage und schreibe vierzehnte Turnier.Gespielt wird in… Continue reading Hanseatic Oldschool Tournament XIV
Weihnachts Oldschool Event
Small Christmas event in Frankfurt, Germany with an old school tournament and interesting prizes. It’s privately organized, please contact Philip if you want to join. German description: Teilnahme: eine Oldschool… Continue reading Weihnachts Oldschool Event
BB-Spiele Wanderlust Cup 1
We are thrilled to announce the first iteration of the Wanderlust Cup, a yearly Old School and Premodern Weekend in Bavaria. Organized in collaboration by WPN Premium Store and Cardmarket… Continue reading BB-Spiele Wanderlust Cup 1
OS DACH League December ’22
*** Für alle deutschsprachigen! ***German speaking old school league. The format will be chosen by participants upon registration – details will be available soon. Swedish is usually the preferred format… Continue reading OS DACH League December ’22