OS DACH League July ’24


*** Für alle deutschsprachigen! ***German speaking old school league. The format will be chosen by participants upon registration – details will be available soon. Swedish is usually the preferred format but at least every third month is played with a different OS rule set. Reprints (same art and frame, no foil) and proxies are always… Continue reading OS DACH League July ’24


Chaos Orcs Fest II

ARCI Benassi Viale Sergio Cavina, 4, Bologna, Italy

Swedish Rules - extended reprints allowed Bologna's Caldera is the second edition of the Chaos Orcs Festival: a two-days event featuring Italian Nationals tournaments for Premodern and Old School. The festival will host many side events, to be played alongside the main Nationals, or after the SWISS rounds. Chaos Orcs Fest is a non-profit community… Continue reading Chaos Orcs Fest II

Hanseatic Merchant Ship Cup 3

Safe the Date!The hanseatic oldschool community is happy to invite you to join us in the beautiful city of Hamburg for the third time. Additional side event on Friday is expected.

OS DACH League August ’24


*** Für alle deutschsprachigen! ***German speaking old school league. The format will be chosen by participants upon registration – details will be available soon. Swedish is usually the preferred format but at least every third month is played with a different OS rule set. Reprints (same art and frame, no foil) and proxies are always… Continue reading OS DACH League August ’24


European Oldschool Championship 2024

Altes Schalthaus Rodensteinweg 2, Darmstadt, Germany

A big magic weekend with all the formats we love. Old School starting 18th of August at 10:30am Oyez, Oyez, Oyez!Magicians, Mages, Lords and Ladies, listen to me! At the weekend of the 16-18th of August 2024, we will host the 1st Annual European Championship In Old School Magic. This challenging tournament will be held… Continue reading European Oldschool Championship 2024


Hanseatic Oldschool Tournament 23

Harburger Magicbuden e.V. Gazertstraße 26, Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany

Gespielt wird in den Räumen der Harburger Magicbuden.Dieses mal ist das Format Atlantic mit üblichen Reprints.RulesFalls jemand eine Karte ausprobieren möchte, sind bis zu 3 Proxies erlaubt (Selbstgemalt oder Ausgedruckt, keine professionellen China Fakes).Die Startgebühr beträgt 10€.Jeder Teilnehmer bekommt einen Eventpin und ein Freigetränk.Wie immer werden jede Runde Preise ausgelost und für den Erstplatzierten gibt… Continue reading Hanseatic Oldschool Tournament 23


OS DACH League September ’24


*** Für alle deutschsprachigen! ***German speaking old school league. The format will be chosen by participants upon registration – details will be available soon. Swedish is usually the preferred format but at least every third month is played with a different OS rule set. Reprints (same art and frame, no foil) and proxies are always… Continue reading OS DACH League September ’24


Lobstercon 2024

Kendall Square Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States

This is a community-organized Magic: The Gathering weekend in Greater Boston, featuring main events for the Old School 93/94 and Premodern formats. Since 2018, LOBSTERCON has been New England Old School’s marquee event, continuing as an annual charity fundraiser for Room to Grow, a non-profit organization based in Boston. An entry fee of $90 for… Continue reading Lobstercon 2024


Shield Wall Cup 4

Germany , Germany

Super friendly and fun event, held by Martin already teh fourth year in a row in his private premises.Invitational only. If you want to participate, make sure you play soime other German old school events and you will get the connections. ;) This year we played OS Brawl as decided by the last year's winner… Continue reading Shield Wall Cup 4


Dwarven Warriors Cup 7

Netherlands , Netherlands

Invitational event in the Netherlands Dwarven Warriors #7- AlphaBeta 40 League September 28th, 202410:30 MeetupTournament ends after the last man can either no longer stand up straight or keep his eyes open. 2024: AB4K as played by Alpha Males As the ancient scrolls of Magic are unfurled once more, a select gathering of the most… Continue reading Dwarven Warriors Cup 7


OS DACH League October ’24


*** Für alle deutschsprachigen! ***German speaking old school league. The format will be chosen by participants upon registration – details will be available soon. Swedish is usually the preferred format but at least every third month is played with a different OS rule set. Reprints (same art and frame, no foil) and proxies are always… Continue reading OS DACH League October ’24


The Plague 2024

Drammen , Norway

Following the success of the previous years, the third coming of The Plague will return to the city of Drammen in Norway; but due to changes in ownership of our location the last two years we will likely relocate the tournament this year. The location is to be determined, but we can already promise you… Continue reading The Plague 2024
