DACH League March’22 Report

The March league went quite fast and the final was played well before the end of the month. The format was X-point (including Fallen Empires) and I was keen to mix my [scrylink]serendib-efreet:arn[/scrylink] with [scrylink]hypnotic-specter:leb[/scrylink] and my usual Deadguy Ale package. Please find the deck photo below.

UBW Deadguy Ale X-Point – Erik

I achieved a 3-1 in my Swiss group, but unfortunately lost to William playing Pink in the semi-final. He then went on to the final, playing against Julius (a.k.a Julian) who won my Swiss group 4-0, but see it for yourself!

Below are some videos from my matches and then you can find the final and the deck photos of the finalists.

One match from the Swiss round is missing because there was no sound recorded.
And now to the finals! 🙂

The decks from Julius and William:

URW Control – Julius
RW Pink Weenie – William

I think [scrylink]rukh-egg:arn[/scrylink] and [scrylink]preacher:drk[/scrylink] is not what a white weenie wants to see. Still this matchup was quite open.

After this quite good performance I decided to go on with the idea of black and blue flyers for our Hanseatic Oldschool XII tournament with Atlantic rules. I will write a separate report about this, but I can already tell that my deck performed nicely, but my Orb flippin’ skills need an upgrade. 🙂

See you in the D A CH League!

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