The April D A CH league was applying Swedish rules with reprints and therefore there was a lot of power popping up on the tables of Flippi Boehm and Meddling_Maxe. 🙂
For those who still want to watch the match: Below the photos is a short recap of the match (spoiler).
Unfortunately my own deck with UB flyers performed poorly so I will bring something else the next month.
Again thanks a lot to Mario for organizing this super fun league!

Deck photos: Flippi above, Maxe below

Spoiler! Match recap below
1st game: This is the real power of draw sevens with Moxen. Nicely played by Flippi, he turned a good start with [scrylink]timetwister:leb[/scrylink] into an overwhelming finish by countering a [scrylink]hypnotic-specter:leb[/scrylink] with a [scrylink]mana-drain:leg[/scrylink] and drawing five new cards from the “free” mana with a [scrylink]braingeyser:leb[/scrylink], even leaving two lands untapped. Then the way was open for a quick beat down with a pair of elementals, namely [scrylink]fire-elemental:LEB[/scrylink] and [scrylink]water-elemental:LEB[/scrylink]. I love those old school moments where fire and water are pairing up! In addition Disk’s seemed to shatter too easy, maybe Maxe used the wrong raw material?
2nd game: Maxe started well with a first turn [scrylink]dark-ritual:LEB[/scrylink] into a [scrylink]nevinyrrals-disk:LEB[/scrylink] . Again some mana issues appeared on his wonderful playmat. Flippi has a [scrylink]blood-moon:drk[/scrylink] early and provokes the disk to be triggered. Of course he has a second [scrylink]blood-moon:drk[/scrylink] to follow and Maxe is stuck on red mana, not able to play anything useful anymore. I think he could have a chance if he tutored for a basic land, Mox or [scrylink]disenchant:leb[/scrylink] instead of the [scrylink]scrubland:leb[/scrylink]. Flippi then plays another [scrylink]water-elemental:leb[/scrylink], but a [scrylink]fireball:leb[/scrylink] puts it to the graveyard. The next rounds Flippi casts his own fire and lightning and wins the match!
Special mention to the Power-Monolith Deck from Albert – impressive combo deck with a good result.

Further links:
Twitch Video – same recording as YouTube video above
Facebook Old School MtG 93/94 – D A CH
See all photos on Facebook permalink soon (not posted yet)