Winc0n 3 World Championship 2024

Circolo Ricreativo CAP Via Ariberto Albertazzi, 3r, Genova, Italy

Winc0n 3 - a 3 day championship event and the official X-point World Championship will be hosted at Winc0n 2024! *** Being there is a matter of chemistry *** Please check Tolaria for more information and registration. Event location web site:


Uthden Troll Cup VI

Boutique Hotel Catshuis Nieuwestad 49, Leeuwarden, Netherlands

Full details on their website: Social MediaSeveral live streams during the whole weekend. Timmy Talks, Wak-WakMtG, the Monster of the Week-crew: they are all there. And Dyan de Rochemont will do photography and tech stuff again. It’s going to be awesome! Special guestDrew Tucker will be our special guest this year. He will be… Continue reading Uthden Troll Cup VI


OS DACH League November ’24


*** Für alle deutschsprachigen! ***German speaking old school league. The format will be chosen by participants upon registration – details will be available soon. Swedish is usually the preferred format but at least every third month is played with a different OS rule set. Reprints (same art and frame, no foil) and proxies are always… Continue reading OS DACH League November ’24


Wanderlust Cup 3

BB-Spiele Kolbermoorer Str. 20, Rosenheim, Germany

BB-Spiele Wanderlust Cup #3: We are playing 4-6 Rounds of Swiss (depending on total participants) WITHOUT a Topcut in the Swedish Old School Format. Swedish Old School Format Rules:Allowed Sets: Alpha, Beta, Unlimited, Antiquities, Arabian Nights, Legends, The DarkAll Reprints with original Artwork & Frame allowedCollector’s / International / Gold Border allowedFoils are NOT allowedProxies… Continue reading Wanderlust Cup 3


Hurloon Battle 2024

Schwert & Feder Spielclub Düdingen Lengacherstr. 20, Düdingen, St. Ursen (FR), Switzerland

Old School Magic the Gathering Tournament (Swedish – Open Reprint (IE/CE allowed)) Registration open until 16. November 2024 under Doors open: 10.30 Starting time: 11.00 Probable 6 Rounds, followed by Top 4 (depend on the amount of players) After that Open Play (with open end) Location:Begegnungszentrum Düdingen, FreiburgersaalHoriastrasse 1, 3186 Düdingen, Switzerland Beverages/Food: Will… Continue reading Hurloon Battle 2024


OS DACH League December ’24


*** Für alle deutschsprachigen! ***German speaking old school league. The format will be chosen by participants upon registration – details will be available soon. Swedish is usually the preferred format but at least every third month is played with a different OS rule set. Reprints (same art and frame, no foil) and proxies are always… Continue reading OS DACH League December ’24


Eternal Weekend OS Challenge

PVA Expo Praha Beranovych 667, 19900 Prague 9, Czech Republic

AS a side event of teh Eternal Weekend in Prague, there is an "Oldschool Challenge "Anmeldung schließt 15 Minuten vor Beginn3 Runden Swiss25 € Teilnahme (Constructed) online; 30 € Teilnahme vor OrtPreise: 40 Tix pro Win, 20 Tix pro Niederlage (30 bei Draw) Please register on the JK-Events web page:


OS DACH League January ’25


*** Für alle deutschsprachigen! ***German speaking old school league. The format will be chosen by participants upon registration – details will be available in the playgroup and the Google Sheet.Swedish is usually the preferred format but at least every third month is played with a different OS rule set. Reprints (same art and frame, no… Continue reading OS DACH League January ’25


Deutsche Meisterschaft 2025

Die Fabrik Eberstädter Str. 26, Pfungstadt, Germany

German National Championship 2025 The great tournaments in Darmstadt don't stop! The team around the Universal Championship invites you to a great weekend of Premodern and Oldschool: 25. and 26.01.2025! The German Oldschool Championships! Where:Die FabrikEberstädter Str. 2664319 Pfungstadt(Near Darmstadt) You need some alterations? The great Buddy Jonkers aka Lost Viking Alters will come from… Continue reading Deutsche Meisterschaft 2025


OS DACH League February ’25


*** Für alle deutschsprachigen! ***German speaking old school league. The format will be chosen by participants upon registration – details will be available in the playgroup and the Google Sheet.Swedish is usually the preferred format but at least every third month is played with a different OS rule set. Reprints (same art and frame, no… Continue reading OS DACH League February ’25


Hanseatic Oldschool Tournament 25

Harburger Magicbuden e.V. Gazertstraße 26, Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany

Gespielt wird in den Räumen der Harburger Magicbuden.Dieses mal ist das Format Swedish mit üblichen Reprints.RulesFalls jemand eine Karte ausprobieren möchte, sind bis zu 3 Proxies erlaubt (Selbstgemalt oder Ausgedruckt, keine professionellen China Fakes).Die Startgebühr beträgt 10€.Jeder Teilnehmer bekommt einen Eventpin und ein Freigetränk.Wie immer werden jede Runde Preise ausgelost und für den Erstplatzierten gibt… Continue reading Hanseatic Oldschool Tournament 25


Arvika Festival 2025

Scandic Arvika Torggatan 9, Arvika, Sweden

Time for Arvika Festival 10! Support the Scandic Hotel Arvika that let us use their great venues - Make your booking by sending a mail to Madeleine and use 'FANTASY' in the topic and you should get a discounted price. Just tell her how many you are and she will help you get what you need.… Continue reading Arvika Festival 2025
