
Old School Rules Overview

Old school 93/94 is about playing as if you were in the year 94 with only the first sets available. I gives an original feeling by using this stable card pool, brings back memories or even nostalgia, provides a lot of fun with a nice variety of decks, iconic cards and power while still allowing budget decks to win tournaments.

Well known Old School 93 94 formats are listed below. Keep in mind every community or tournament might have house rules.
In addition we strongly recommend the variants with a points restriction, especially 7pts Singleton, X-points, Gentleman Swedish or OS Brawl. As a new addition, the Stapleless Swedish and Atlantic formats are now listed, too!
See links below the table.

All the formats are allowing cards from Alpha, Beta, Unlimited as well as Arabian Nights, Antiquities, Legends and The Dark. Only some are adding Fallen Empires, as shown in table below.

Format names have links to source page & below the table are some more useful or interesting links 🙂

OS 93/ 94AtlanticECDTFLEternal-
M. S. CupUKSwedishDanishRavennaPaladinPacificBorealFrenchA40
Fallen Empiresyyyynononononoyyyyno
WCD / Gold******no******no
Plague Rats erratanononononononononoyyynono
Draw = flip Orbnoyynononononononoyynono
Maze of Ith41444444414410
Mishra’s Workshop44111111114410
Strip Mine14111111104410
Time Vault41414441411441*
Mishra’s Factory44444444414440
The Tabernacle at P. V.44444444414440
Crusade… bansnononononononononoproxynononono
Mind Twist11111111101110*
Library of Alexandria11111111101110
* = tbc – ask locals or the organizer

Stapleless formats
The banned lists were created by Hanseatic Oldschool’s Albert in order to have fun with cards rarely played. Some additional cards were banned to allow a balanced environment.
City of Brass was banned in HOT 20, but since CoB is allowed.

Points or singleton variants:

Useful Links